Eckleburg is a Washington DC print and online literary and arts journal that publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, visual art, intermedia and other forms. Eckleburg is a member of CLMP and supporter of VIDA: Women in Literary Arts. It was formerly Moon Milk Review and is owned by Moon Milk Press, Inc. The founding editor in chief is Rae Bryant, author and creative writing professor at Johns Hopkins and American University. Read full submissions guidelines at The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review.

Send us a link for your online portfolio that includes all the works (at least 3, 10 or more even better) that you would like us to consider for the Gallery. You can also send a 100 to 200 word bio. If accepted, we will request attached, high resolution jpegs of the chosen works. 

Music, Film and Arts Commentary | Send a YouTube link via email along with a short 100 to 200 word bio. The submissions link is below. 

The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review